

ULTRALUXTM - Automatic Wire Bonder

It is the latest generation ball bonder utilizing the latest technologies and materials that will save LED manufacturers up to 10% capital cost.

Higher UPH

  • Advanced Close-Loop Servo with Lower Mass Higher Stiffness XYZ enhanced design
  • Robust compact Optics design with Smaller Crosshair Offset maximizes Look Ahead PRS Alignment Scheme.

Higher Net Productivity with Highest Yield

  • Enhanced Automatic Error recovery to SHTL, NSOP and NSOL
  • Superior Looping Control and Shape for high-reliability

Fastest Qualification Time

  • Quick LED Suite processes with Quick Bond, Quick Stitch and Quick Loop deliver the optimized process ensuring quickest time to market
  • Enquiry Form

We are semiconductor equipments suppliers in Chennai (INDIA), Singapore and other countries too. Wire bonding machines, Ball bonder machines, Solder pastes, Pick 'n' Place equipments etc.,