A lead frame is a metal component used in DIP, QFP, and other chip packages that transmits signals from the die to other components. A leadframe is a thin sheet of metal, typically made of copper alloy, that acts as a support structure for semiconductor devices such as integrated circuits (ICs) or light-emitting diodes (LEDs). It provides electrical connections between the IC or LED and the external circuitry, as well as mechanical support.
The leadframe consists of several metal leads or pins that extend from the IC or LED package. These leads are used for bonding wires, which connect the internal circuitry of the device to the external circuitry on a printed circuit board (PCB) or other electronic assembly. The leadframe also provides thermal conductivity to dissipate heat generated by the device.
We are semiconductor equipments suppliers in Chennai (INDIA), Singapore and other countries too. Wire bonding machines, Ball bonder machines, Solder pastes, Pick 'n' Place equipments etc.,