Laser IC Opener PL201

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  • Laser IC Opener PL201

By reducing mold compound thickness on die surface to less than 100um by laser, chemical etch time can be significantly reduced, thus enabling a significant reduction in acid consumption during wet etch.

Effective decapsulation of Cu and Ag wire bonded packages

The damage on Cu and Ag wires by chemical etch can be minimized with laser operation.

Exposing 2nd bonding area

Epoxy resin and solder resist can be removed by laser to expose 2nd bonding area for analysis.Laser is an effective solution to expose 2nd bonding area for packages like QFN and SOP.

Preparation for backside analysis

By approaching from the backside of the sample, lead frame can be exposed by laser.Lead frame should be removed by Cutter or Micro shiner.

Advantages of Fiber Laser

  • Lower Cost
  • Significant improvement of decapsulation speed
  • Longer Lifetime / Higher Reliability
  • Improved beam quality and optical performance

Safe and Clean Design

  • PL201 is Class 1 Laser product
  • Higher resolution with improved vision camera for real time imaging.
  • Signal Tower is attached to confirm the operation status.
Key Switch / Laser Safety Interlock
  • Key switch operation to prevent unauthorized use. Safety interlock is attached to disable the laser when the door is open. System prohibits the door from opening during laser process.
Suction duct
  • To keep the chamber clean, fume and dust will be exhausted from the suction duct attached near the stage.

Easy Operation

  • Operation Screen
  • Digital Zoom Capability
  • Clear images
  • Repeatable Recipe
  • Process Patterns
  • Enquiry Form

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