
No Cleaning Required

New surface treatment technology to reduce surface wettability, thus significantly retarding the contamination accumulation rate to facilitate for a no-wedge-cleaning process

Plug & Play

Applicable on both wire & ribbon applications. Can be offered on any geometry, easy conversion from current wedge with minimum process changes.

Al‐Ex build up resistance is extended almost 20x to 570k bonds over competitor’s 30k bonds

Al‐Ex Ribbon wedge delivers stable bonding performance with No‐Cleaning required till 400k bonds

  • Significant Indirect Benefits

    Reduce labour cost & dependency
    a process that is less prone to human error

    Improve bonder uptime / productivity / OEE
    save on floor space & CE investment

    Reduce consumption of cleaning chemical, set screws, QC samples & wedge tool


1st Bond shape @570k bonds with Al-Ex

  • Enquiry Form

We are semiconductor equipments suppliers in Chennai (INDIA), Singapore and other countries too. Wire bonding machines, Ball bonder machines, Solder pastes, Pick 'n' Place equipments etc.,