Gold Silver and Platinum Bonding Ribbons

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Gold, Silver and Platinum Bonding Ribbons

Precious metal bonding ribbons of gold, silver and platinum are used for electrical interconnections in high frequency and microwave devices.

Controlled high purity and defined additives provide the basis for ribbons of high precision in dimensional and mechanical characteristics and looping behavior.

Aluminum Coated Gold Bonding Wires

For special applications in which the reliability of gold is a “must”, and where bonding at room temperature is obligatory, Heraeus offers aluminum coated gold wires. The aluminum coating comes as an extremely thin layer. Aluminum coated bonding wires are a superior solution in order to improve the resistance in cycling tests, e. g. for automotive applications.

Palladium Bonding Wires

Palladium bonding wires show their advantage in applications at high exposure temperatures, along with requirements for good loop stiffness and hardness. Compared with gold and aluminum bonding wires, palladium bonding wires have considerably higher cold and warm hardness combined with a lower electrical conductivity. Palladium bonding wires made by Heraeus have a homogeneous chemical composition and stable mechanical properties. The use of protective gas in ball bonding improves the ball roundness and constancy of the ball size.

Low-Cost Bonding Wires

The substitution of gold with silver permit cost savings. The resulting properties are different from conventional gold wires and therefore the applicability of these wires is not universal. In certain applications the cost saving potential can be fully exploited. Please discuss with your Heraeus wire expert the viability of such wires for your application.

Custom Products

Heraeus works with customers who need interconnect materials with special chemical, mechanical, or electrical properties. Take advantage of our vast wealth of technical expertise and resources. We can help you develop solutions that precisely meet your specifications.

  • Wire Products for Special Applications:

    Aluminum Coated Gold Bonding Wires

    Palladium Bonding Wires

    Low-cost Bonding Wires

    Custom Products

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We are semiconductor equipments suppliers in Chennai (INDIA), Singapore and other countries too. Wire bonding machines, Ball bonder machines, Solder pastes, Pick 'n' Place equipments etc.,