
ACS ProTM Best Fit Range

  • Bond Pad Pitch range: 40-69 [μm]
  • Copper wire diameter range: 0.6-1.0 [mil]
  • Copper wire type: Any
  • Advanced package carrier families, such as BGAs

Major Benefits

  • Excellent bond-ability control with fine wire diameters
    • Advanced design rules to maintain 1st & 2nd bond quality over time
  • Improved process portability and response consistency
    • Design dynamics to ease the limited copper process window
    • Consistent performance for smooth production fan-out
  • Competitive Cost of Ownership
    • Enhanced workability to help productivity
    • Improved material wear resistance for challenging processes
  • Key Attributes

    Ultra-fine pitch design fit – Geometrical structure carefully engineered to provide excellent bond-ability and process repeatability

    New ITXTM material – Superior properties of advanced processing ceramics, enhances the capillary workability and usable life

    High precision key features – Controlled to satisfy the most critical responses of fine copper wire bonding requirements

  • Enquiry Form

We are semiconductor equipments suppliers in Chennai (INDIA), Singapore and other countries too. Wire bonding machines, Ball bonder machines, Solder pastes, Pick 'n' Place equipments etc.,